6 Powerful Ways to Motivate Your Team

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

  • Hearing an awesome podcast or talking to a coach that's got you all inspired for all the awesome things you want to achieve in your life or business

  • You harness this feeling of excitement by investing time setting a big exciting goal or vision - maybe you even declare it and write it up on a whiteboard!

  • A few days go by, life gets in the way and you think, "What was that thing that I was so excited a few days ago?"

  • Weeks go by and it fades into the background. You go back to business as usual, doing things as you've always done. Back to living in 'default' mode. Nothing changes.

Sound familiar?

You've invested time and energy creating an inspiring, compelling vision for your business.

What now?

How do you make sure it actually happens?

How do you rally your team around it and get them as excited as you are?

Here's the 6 most powerful tips I've shared on Ep.29 of SPARKED ("6 Powerful Strategies to Motivate Your Team and Get Them On Board With Your Vision")

1. Play to your strengths. Create space + time to share your vision with your team in a way that plays to your unique strengths, personality and culture! If you're a natural performer, then get up on stage and make a big show of it! If you're quieter and more introverted, create smaller more intimate Vision-squads to have deeper conversations about that vision.

2. Connect the dots for your team. Help those around you understand the key part they play in bringing that vision to life. How does their role specifically contribute to the bigger picture? (hint: this is one of the most powerful ways to foster a sense of significance, purpose + meaning with your team)

3. Share the benefits of achieving the vision. Help build their intrinsic motivation by giving examples of what benefits the vision will have for them personally, the team, the business as a whole and your community of clients and customers. E.g. career and growth opportunities, promotions, salary increases, greater impact, working with bigger clients etc.

4. Build a "vision-tracking" system. You can't just stick the vision up on the wall and think that's enough. You need a system for creating alignment, turning that mission into milestones and keeping you on track. OKR’s (or a vision-aligned objective setting system) are an AWESOME tool for this!

5. Share progress updates along the way. Keep your team involved and updated along the way so they feel included and PART of the vision. HINT: Quarterly Vision Offsite Days are a good start!

6. Ask for their ideas + input in bringing it to life. Your team is a wealth of knowledge craving a place to funnel their creative expertise. Ask them Qs like, "Where do you want to play a part in achieving our vision? What ideas do you have for bringing this to life faster? What unique strengths can you offer in co-creating this vision?"

And that's it legend.

Nailing these 6 areas will have your team as excited, onboard and lit up as you in bringing that big, bad, bold vision to life.

To hear stories and examples of how my current clients are implementing the above, then tune into the latest SPARKED podcast HERE


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